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OpenSSH对某些用户禁用密码认证登录 - 可打印的版本

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OpenSSH对某些用户禁用密码认证登录 - vimacs - 01-13-2018

sshd_config(5) 中有 PasswordAuthentication 选项,但它是针对所有用户的,如果只想让某些用户设置不允许密码认证,可以使用 Match 块,比如禁用 sudo 组的用户用密码认证:

引用:Match Group sudo
PasswordAuthentication no

按照 sshd_config(5) 的说法,所有的 Match 块应该放在文件末尾。

引用:     Match   Introduces a conditional block.  If all of the criteria on the Match line are satisfied, the keywords on the following lines override those set in the global section of the config file, until either another Match line or the end of
             the file.  If a keyword appears in multiple Match blocks that are satisfied, only the first instance of the keyword is applied.

             The arguments to Match are one or more criteria-pattern pairs or the single token All which matches all criteria.  The available criteria are User, Group, Host, LocalAddress, LocalPort, and Address.  The match patterns may consist of
             single entries or comma-separated lists and may use the wildcard and negation operators described in the PATTERNS section of ssh_config(5).

             The patterns in an Address criteria may additionally contain addresses to match in CIDR address/masklen format, such as or 2001:db8::/32.  Note that the mask length provided must be consistent with the address - it is an
             error to specify a mask length that is too long for the address or one with bits set in this host portion of the address.  For example, and, respectively.

             Only a subset of keywords may be used on the lines following a Match keyword.  Available keywords are AcceptEnv, AllowAgentForwarding, AllowGroups, AllowStreamLocalForwarding, AllowTcpForwarding, AllowUsers, AuthenticationMethods,
             AuthorizedKeysCommand, AuthorizedKeysCommandUser, AuthorizedKeysFile, AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand, AuthorizedPrincipalsCommandUser, AuthorizedPrincipalsFile, Banner, ChrootDirectory, ClientAliveCountMax, ClientAliveInterval,
             DenyGroups, DenyUsers, ForceCommand, GatewayPorts, GSSAPIAuthentication, HostbasedAcceptedKeyTypes, HostbasedAuthentication, HostbasedUsesNameFromPacketOnly, IPQoS, KbdInteractiveAuthentication, KerberosAuthentication, LogLevel,
             MaxAuthTries, MaxSessions, PasswordAuthentication, PermitEmptyPasswords, PermitOpen, PermitRootLogin, PermitTTY, PermitTunnel, PermitUserRC, PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes, PubkeyAuthentication, RekeyLimit, RevokedKeys, StreamLocalBindMask,
             StreamLocalBindUnlink, TrustedUserCAKeys, X11DisplayOffset, X11Forwarding and X11UseLocalHost.